MasterTool IEC XE new version available for download
The latest update of the MasterTool IEC XE software is now available for download on the Altus website. The most recent version of the programming tool for the Nexto Series programmable controllers brings significant improvements and new features for configuring the company`s most advanced family of products. By updating the application, users will not only gain new programming possibilities but also have a new user experience for the tool.
As the communication platform for the Nexto and Nexto Xpress products, MasterTool IEC XE is a comprehensive tool for programming, debugging, configuring, and simulating applications. Based on CODESYS technology, the software provides resources for all life cycle stages of micro to large-scale projects. In its 3.61 version, the programming tool, which is free for projects up to 320 points, brings significant improvements in communication driver performance, usability of IEC 61131-3 editors, device communication, cybersecurity, and more.
Above you find the key improvements implemented in the 3.61 version of MasterTool IEC XE, or click on the banner below to download the software:
New features for Nexto Xpress PLC
The new version of MasterTool IEC XE comes with native support for CODESYS V3.5 SP18, adding several customizations designed to improve even more the user experience with the platform. The new update brings significant improvements in communication with devices and the usability of IEC-61131-3 editors, including LD, SFC, FBD, CFC, and ST programming language packages. The project opening and compilation process has also been optimized for better performance.
In version 3.61, MaterTool IEC XE also enhances the cybersecurity features embedded in the platform, the Webserver system editor, and the Motion Control libraries for the XP350 PLC. Furthermore, communication drivers for PROFINET, EtherNet/IP, EtherCAT, and OPC UA protocols have been optimized for improved performance. Another communication feature that received important enhancements is the MODBUS RTU driver, which has been adjusted to improve network communication performance with multiple devices.
The new software update also brings back a feature available in some previous software versions. When upgrading MasterTool IEC XE, users will once again return the multiple station login option to the same PLC. Another managerial feature present on the platform is the possibility of accessing the release notes containing main software changes within MasterTool itself, through the Help Menu.
Aligned with Altus`s aspiration to be an international company, acting globally and delivering solutions with excellence, MasterTool IEC XE version 3.61 also includes new language packages such as Mandarin, German, French, Italian, and others. Lastly, the latest software update also includes support for installing CODESYS PDE (Professional Developer Edition), an add-on tool suite developed and provided by CODESYS for project development. The update allows users to acquire the PDE package license directly from CODESYS and easily integrate it with their MasterTool IEC XE license.
These new functionalities are available from the firmware update of your PLC. To find out which firmware version to install, contact our Technical Support specialists by sending an email to support@altus.com.br.
Learn more about the CODESYS platform
CODESYS, short for "Controller Development System," is a comprehensive software platform designed for the development, programming, and visualization of industrial control systems. It provides a unified and user-friendly environment for creating applications that run in PLCs such as the ones from Nexto Series and Nexto Xpress. The platform simplifies the process of programming and configuring automation devices, making it a preferred choice for many automation engineers and system integrators.
CODESYS is the leading manufacturer-independent IEC 61131-3 automation software for engineering control systems. With over 2 million new licenses generated every year, CODESYS and CODESYS-based systems – software developed based on the platform – have a substantial part of the PLC programming software’s global market share. With its powerful features and strong user community, CODESYS platforms are leading the way in industrial automation, providing innovative solutions and excellent support for control system engineers as they shape the future of this field.
Furthermore, CODESYS` open-source nature is crucial in industrial automation due to its cost-effective, highly customizable, transparent, and fosters innovation. This encourages vendor independence, ensuring the software`s long-term viability. Consequently, CODESYS emerges as an affordable and flexible choice for a wide array of automation needs, ranging from small projects to large industrial systems. In this way, it not only supports innovation but also promotes sustainability in the long run, benefiting industries worldwide.
Previous versions (3.52)
One of the features available in version 3.52 of MasterTool IEC XE is the possibility of using a built-in VPN on Nexto Xpress PLCs, which allows you to create a private tunnel for direct connection with the PLC. This feature allows you to access your business`s control network remotely and completely securely. To further increase product safety. To further enhance product security, the Xpress PLCs also have a firewall feature.
Another feature available on Xpress PLCs with the software update is support for FTP type connections, which enables the device to exchange data with a server that uses this technology model. This functionality allows the data packages generated by the controller, such as logs collected through a datalogger function, to be accessed remotely.
The software version also brings the possibility of using a USB/Ethernet converter in Xpress products. The functionality is a big step up from using the PLC Motion Control XP350. The product has the ability to communicate via EtherCAT using the native Ethernet interface, while other actions, such as communication with the MasterTool IEC XE programming software or connection to a supervisory system via OPC UA or even a cloud application in MQTT is carried out through the USB port, using the media converter.
Furthermore, the 3.52 version of the MasterTool IEC XE software supports the new I/O expansions Nexto Xpress XP201, XP600 and XP610.
Previous versions (3.40)
In its version 3.40, the platform now supports some of the latest products from the Nexto family and gains resources to further enhance the user experience. When downloading the installer from the Altus website and updating its software, the user will enable a series of new features and functionalities in MasterTool IEC XE. Among these features is support for the new NX3008 CPU, the most advanced processing unit in the Nexto Series of PLCs. Designed to be a global CPU capable of interacting with the most varied devices and systems found on the market, the PLC is now available for communication and configuration through version 3.40 of the platform.
Another product line that starts to appear natively in the software are the input and output expansions of the Nexto Xpress line. As of this update, the system already has the products XP101, a model with 16 digital inputs, and XP106, a model with 8 digital inputs and 6 digital relay outputs. Devices are available in the device repository as CANopen slaves.
In addition to the new products, MasterTool IEC XE v3.40 also brings news regarding support for communication protocols. As of the latest firmware version available, all Nexto Xpress models, Altus` family of compact and IoT-ready PLCs, now support EtherCAT Master. Widely used in machine applications, the protocol is now included as a communication option in the software for these PLCs.
To give more flexibility to projects and allow greater scalability to applications that use Nexto Xpress products, the new update of MasterTool now has a library of functions capable of expanding the number of analog inputs. Available for integration with all PLCs in the line, with the exception of the XP300 model, LibIntegratedIoExt allows the user to enable the voltage and current analog input pins to operate simultaneously, expanding the PLC capacity to up to 10 analog inputs. Thus, the user can connect to the product 05 transducers (sensors) with current in the standards 0 to 20 or 4 to 20 mA and, in addition, 05 instruments based on voltage from 0 to 10 Vdc.
Below you will find a video tutorial with step by step how to configure the feature:
Another improvement present in the software update was the update of the LibNextoPID feature to support new standards and advanced control functions. Library that contains the PID function blocks of Nexto Series controllers, NextoPID uses a variable and a process setpoint from the function block to calculate the manipulated variable for the controlled process, considering the programmed Proportional, Integral and Derivative factors. This is a PID control algorithm where the proportional gain is the controller gain, applied to both the error and the integral and derivative portions of the controller.
Still talking about optimizations, another characteristic that went through an important upgrade was the maximum size available for the Program Memory of some Nexto Series PLCs: from 2MB to 3MB in the XP300, XP315 and XP325 PLCs; and from 6MB to 8MB on the XP340 and NX3005 CPU. With the improvement, the user has the ability to store programs with longer codes or larger software components. An application example is the PROFINET communication driver, which is considerably heavier than the configuration files of other protocols on the market.
In addition to these new and updated features, the R&D team responsible for developing the software has implemented other specific improvements to improve the user experience. You can see more details about these improvements in our revision history available in our Download Center.