Petrobras announces new record rate for pre-salt production
On Thursday (22), Petrobras released its operating results report for the second quarter of 2021, with the pre-salt results being one of the main highlights. The production of the units installed in the region reached 1.96 million barrels of oil equivalent (boed), which represents 70% of the oil company`s total production, a record percentage. Altus, as responsible for the supply of technology, as well as the development and implementation of the E&P systems for the company`s main platforms is directly linked to this achievement.
The results achieved are due to the ramp-up of the P-68, which explores the Berbigão and Sururu fields, and P-70, installed in the Atapu field and which reached maximum production capacity (161,000 bpd) in less than 13 months. Both platforms have their Hull and Top-side systems developed and implemented by Altus Engineering team. In fact, according to the latest Oil and Natural Gas Production Monthly Bulletin, released in May by the Brazilian Petroleum National Association, six out of the top 15 units in the national ranking of oil and gas production operates using Altus technology.
In addition to the aforementioned P-68 and P-70, the FPSO P-76, one of the bases with the highest productivity index operating in the country, also features in the list of the most productive platforms in Brazil, as well as the P-67 and P-69 units, which already appeared in this ranking in July 2020, and the P-66, Petrobras` first platform with a fully built hull in Brazilian territory. Together, these units were responsible for producing more than 672.2 thousand barrels of oil from oil barrels and 26.5 million cubic meters of natural gas per day in May.
Chock out more numbers about Altus and the O&G market
Around 35% of all oil explored in the Pre-salt is produced by automated platforms with Altus products and engineering. By 2025, the company`s technology will be present in 25% of all units and 1/3 of the FPSOs in operation in Brazil, which represents 5% of the global FPSO market.