Pre-salt is already responsible for almost 70% of domestic oil production in Brazil
The National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP) released data on Brazilian oil and gas production. According to the entity, the national daily production reached 3.738 million barrels of oil equivalent, of which 2.958 million barrels of oil and 124 million cubic meters of natural gas. Of this total, 69.5% comes from 113 wells belonging to the Pre-salt area, with an ongoing increase each month.
The largest producing field in Brazil is Lula, in the Santos Basin, from where 1.033 million barrels of oil and 45.7 million cubic meters of natural gas flowed per day. The P-69, the third unit with the highest productivity of all in the period, achieved a production of 146.7 thousand barrels of oil and 5.2 million cubic meters of natural gas per day. This FPSO, which operates in the extreme south of the field, has its Hull and Top-side systems developed and implemented by Altus` engineering team.
The P-66, another automated unit with Altus engineering products and intelligence, also operates in the region and is among the Top 10 most productive platforms in the period. With a capability to process 150 thousand barrels of oil daily and compress 6 million m3 of gas, the platform achieved a productivity of 122.5 thousand barrels of oil, and 5.8 million cubic meters of natural gas per day.
In addition to these two platforms, Altus technology is also responsible for controlling the Hull and Top-side systems of three other FPSOs that operate in the Pre-salt: P-58, P-67 and P-68. Together, these units are responsible for producing more than 246.1 thousand barrels of oil, and 7.2 million cubic meters of natural gas per day.
Some figures about Altus and the O&G market
Five of the 20 most productive platforms in the country use Altus technology.
34% of all oil explored in the Pre-salt was produced with Altus technology (index for 2019).
By 2025, Altus technology will be present in 25% of the units and 1/3 of the FPSOs in operation in Brazil, which represents 5% of the global FPSO market.